The first chapters should use generally understandable terms, while later chapters can introduce and make use of technical terms. Each chapter should contain a short introduction and a summary.
The number of pages depends on the type of thesis. While a bachelor's thesis is usually in the 40-50 page range, a master's thesis often has around 80-100 pages. We also provide a LaTeX template for theses.
The colloquium consists of a 20-25 minute presentation, followed by a question and answer session.
- Abstract (1 page)
- A short version of the whole thesis
- Introduction (5–10%)
- Motivates and introduces the overall thesis
- “This thesis makes the following major contributions…”
- “… is completely new because of …”
- Outlines the structure
- “The remainder of the thesis is organized as follows...”
- Motivates and introduces the overall thesis
- Background/State of the Art (10–20%)
- A collection of background information necessary to understand the rest of the thesis
- Design and Implementation (25–35%)
- Related Work (5–10%)
- Presents similar works and compares them to the approach taken in the thesis
- Evaluation (25–35%)
- Detailed description of the test environment
- Interpretation of obtained results
- Conclusion and Future Work (5–10%)