Thesis Topics
Please check our list of thesis topics below and contact the appropriate supervisors if you find something interesting. We also have thesis guidelines that you should take into account.
We are of course also open to topic proposals, especially if do cannot find a suitable open topic below. If you have own ideas that you think may be interesting for the group, please come and talk to us. Feel free to take a look at the finished theses for inspiration.
Bachelor Thesis Topics
- Mapping POSIX I/O to NetCDF (open)
- Containerized Software Stacks (assigned)
- User-Space NFS Backend for IOR Benchmark (assigned)
- EduMPI Deployment Solutions for Windows (assigned)
Master Thesis Topics
- Improved Job Scheduling using SLURM and Tasklets (assigned)
- Efficient Data Structures for Interactive Data Analytics (open)
- Analyzing Database Performance for Metadata Management (open)
Finished Theses
- Evaluation and Implementation of Cache Replacement Policies for an Object Store with Tiered Storage (Christian Grüneberg)
- On solving large and sparse systems of linear equations with multiple right-hand sides (Benjamin Junge)
- Automated performance analysis of software stacks for distributed systems (Fabian Schröder)
- Modelling MPI Communication using Colored Petri Nets (Tronje Krabbe) [UHH]
- Interactive Layout Visualization of Distributed Storage (Lennart Börchers)
- Implementation of a remote-host debugger for parallel programs and evaluation of visual forms of representation (Nicolas With)
- Performance Assessment of Metadata Management with Different Databases in a FUSE File System (Martin Barthel)
- Dynamically Generating Language Bindings for HPC Libraries (Niklas Dießner)
- Supplementing a Modern Storage Engine with Non-volatile Memory (Sajad Karim) [Second Reviewer]
- Data Migration Policies in a Copy-on-Write Tiered Storage Stack - Conception and Implementation (Johannes Wünsche)
- Interaktive Speicherlayout-Visualisierung von HDF5-Objekten (Enno von Hartmann)
- System profiling and data aggregation for smart compression in Lustre (Pablo Correa Gómez) [UHH]
- Domain-Specific Compression Using Auto-Encoders For Climate Data (Ravi Mallikarjun Yadav Chennaboina)
- Performance and Energy Efficiency Analysis of Distributed File Systems on a Cluster of ARM-Based Single-Board Computers (Timm Leon Erxleben)
- Data-Aware Compression for HPC using Machine Learning (Julius Plehn) [UHH]
- Distributed storage management policies in JULEA (Julian Benda)
- Multi-Speaker Speech Synthesis with Diverse Prosody Control using Generative Adversarial Networks (Kaveen Matta Kumaresh) [Second Reviewer]
- Performance analysis of MPI-based FEniCS/PETSc models in pyMOR (Josefine Zeller)
- Performance and resource usage analysis of a GPU-accelerated model order reduction software (Adrian Schulze)
- Analysis of Elastic Cloud Solutions in an HPC Environment (Johannes Coym) [UHH]
- Design and Implementation of an Object Store with Tiered Storage (Till Höppner)
- Scimon - Scientific Monitor for Automated Run Logging and Reproducibility (Daniel Bremer) [UHH]
- HDF5-Zugriffsmusteranalyse zur Datenbankabstrahierung (Karl Lobedank)
- Performance modeling of one-sided and two-sided MPI-3 communication (Niclas Schroeter) [UHH]
- Containerizing a user-space storage framework for reproducibility (Marcel Papenfuss) [UHH]
- Message passing safety and correctness checks at compile time using Rust (Michael Blesel) [UHH]
- Leistungsanalyse und -optimierung der Netzwerkkommunikation in dem HPC-Speichersystem JULEA unter Verwendung des OFI Frameworks (Arne Struck) [UHH]
- Analysis of the Impact of Aging on the EXT4 and ZFS Filesystems and Their Countermeasures (Lars Thoms) [UHH]
- Automated Collision-free Tasksequencing for Industrial Robots (Maximilian Kühne) [Second Reviewer]